Bestselling author of Predictably Irrational
The Unexpected Benefits of Defying
Logic at Work and at Home
The Upside of Irrationality examines some of the positive and negative effects irrationality has on our lives. In his book, Dan offers a new look on the irrational decisions that influence our personal lives and our workplace experiences.

Bestselling author of Predictably Irrational
The Unexpected Benefits of Defying
Logic at Work and at Home
The Upside of Irrationality examines some of the positive and negative effects irrationality has on our lives. In his book, Dan offers a new look on the irrational decisions that influence our personal lives and our workplace experiences.

The Upside of Irrationality touches on topics from our personal lives, including dating. Here is a talk in which Dan mentions some of the topics from the book but also goes in more details, together with Logan Ury, about irrationality, our romantic nature and dating.

We all leave things to the very last minute even though we know we have a deadline, but why?
Looking at examples in his own life as well as some novel experiments, Dan Ariely explores what it is to live irrationally and how being aware of the hidden forces of emotions, meaning and ownership can lead us to better decision-making and ultimately a happier, more contented life.
About Dan
Dan Ariely is a professor of psychology and behavioral economics at Duke University and a founding member of the Center for Advanced Hindsight.
He is the author of the bestsellers Irrationally Yours, Predictably Irrational, The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty, Payoff, Dollars and Sense and Amazing Decisions. He is also a co-creator of the movie Dishonesty and the card game Irrational Game.
His work has been featured in leading scholarly journals as well as a variety of popular media outlets, including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Boston Globe, Business 2.0, Scientific American, and Science.

We all leave things to the very last minute even though we know we have a deadline, but why?
Looking at examples in his own life as well as some novel experiments, Dan Ariely explores what it is to live irrationally and how being aware of the hidden forces of emotions, meaning and ownership can lead us to better decision-making and ultimately a happier, more contented life.
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